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London Casino & Gaming Show is Game On!

The initial London Casino & Gaming Show promises a different atmosphere. By Peter White

This year marks the debut of the London Casino & Gaming Show, filling the void left by ICE London. Nick Harding is the man charged with running it and he took a few moments from his busy schedule to speak with our Peter White.
Tell us about the reason for launching this new casino show in London dedicated to land-based operations, where is it, when and why?
The new London Casino & Gaming show will be at ExCeL, as part of the established EAG Expo to debut in January 2025.With the departure of the ICE show from London to Barcelona, we were made aware that many operators were — and are — very keen on continuing the tradition of a London show. Yes, of course this is opportunistic. We are commercial and always looking for an opportunity to increase the breadth and depth of our existing show, and this 
seemed too good an opportunity to miss. It is worth reminding readers that we originally owned the ICE show as part of a much older show called ATEI, so this is not new territory for us.
Image: ExCeL Exhibition Centre London  Shutterstock 
What key advantages will this new casino show provide to supplier’s standpoint, who may for example supply restaurants and bars with their brand of vodka to a company that has developed a new card game for casinos?
The keyword here is boutique. This is not going to be a show aimed at every aspect of gaming, therefore it will not feature online or crypto currencies or fintech systems. It is going to be a smaller show, aimed specifically at the land-based European and UK gaming sector. In addition to the larger equipment suppliers, several of whom have already signed up, we are looking to create a tapestry of ancillary offers, such as uniform providers, drinks providers, signage manufacturers and so on. All this will happen in a more convivial atmosphere where buyers can sit more quietly drinking quality coffee with exhibitors, and hopefully placing orders.It will be something different to larger exhibitions, where the volume of background noise almost requires ear defenders and where you have to walk a quarter of a mile to buy a coffee

What other aspects of the London Casino & Gaming Show will exhibitors at this new casino show gain?

We are aiming to provide access to all the supply elements of land-based gaming in a pleasant atmosphere which is more akin to being inside a London casino. This is the first year of operation, so we will be trying to predict what will be of most interest to visitors, and we will be listening a great deal to exhibitors and potential visitors to try to achieve that. I am sure we won’t get it all right, but we are not new to this exhibition business nor to the gaming sector and I think that is where we may score. Everyone involved from BACTA (owners of the show) comes from a senior position in the sector, we have been at the coal face and we know what we look for when assessing an exhibition.
Can you provide details on what sponsorships options are available?
We are happy to consider any form of sponsorship. ‘The world is your lobster’ (as Peter Cook once said). From the barista coffee that we will provide, to the networking event on the evening of Day One, to the comfy seating and networking area that will be available, if you have an idea for any sponsorship just talk to us.
Image: Nick Harding Ambassador for the London Casino & Gaming Show 
What can casino operators expect from attending?
A sense of quiet comfort while reviewing quality gaming products.
January is a busy month for exhibitions. What are the key reasons for casino management to make this a must attend event?
Here is an interesting proposition: As we have said many times, we are not trying to compete with ICE but to be an adjunct to it, in a niche part of the global gaming industry. So why not come to London, come to our inaugural gaming show, spend the weekend enjoying everything that London has to offer (including a visit to the spectacular West End casinos), then fly on to Barcelona to visit ICE?
What size of booth options will be available to manufacturers, suppliers and service providers, and why is this a show they should add to their exhibition schedule?
With a minimum of a four square meter stand footprint, the sales team will do whatever they can to accommodate prospective exhibitors’ dimension and space requirements at the event, whether they are looking at a shell-scheme solution, or want to build their own stand by booking a space only option with us. As I’ve already mentioned, we are looking at creating something a bit different; a small but perfectly formed, boutique-style event, conducive to business and providing relaxed, informal networking opportunities. If that matches your business’ objectives and is the kind of exhibition environment you want to be a part of, it makes sense to add our show to your marketing mix.
Will there be a conference incorporated in with the show and, if so, what topics are likely to be on the agenda?
There will be a program of four sector seminars, the details of which we are still finalizing. One of  these seminars will be hosted and presented by EUROMAT, who are the European coin-op and gaming-trade body and who are providing support and guidance as we plan the show. London has a strong appeal, given it’s a 24-hour city full of great restaurants, nightclubs and amazing party venues, etc.

Can we expect the appeal of London to be incorporated into the marketing campaign?

I am sure that in the fullness of time this show will simply be referred to as ‘the London Show.’ By the way, you missed out great shopping and great theaters as well. And the average temperature in January is not much less than Barcelona! What’s not
to like?
To find out more about exhibiting and sponsor opportunities at the London Casino & Gaming Show how best can they gain more information? Get in touch with Greg Bailey to find out more about being part of the show: greg.bailey@eagexpo.com +44 (0)20 3846 9808
Welcome to view the In Person YouTube Interview with Nick Harding hosted from London's Hippodrome Casino  https://youtu.be/np0DMUhPfkk?feature=shared