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Casino Blog

How to Celebrate Hump Day in Style


The working week is long and tedious, and it gets to a point partway through when you just want to curl up in your bed, forget about your job, and wait it out until the weekend. Then Wednesday swings around, and suddenly all is right with the world again. 

But how do you survive the longest (metaphorically at least) day of the week? By planning some evening fun to help you celebrate getting through it, of course! Whilst drinking and dancing might not be the best idea - it is a school night, after all – these four casino games perfectly fit the bill… 

What are Deposit Bonuses for New Players - Everything You Need to Know as a New Player


As a new player, it can be rather intimidating to visit an online casino website and just jump right into the action. There are typically a large number of games to choose from, rules for that particular site, and then the specifics such as making that initial deposit, along with the fact that casinos often try to woo new players by offering deposit bonuses that can give you the upper hand. So, what exactly are player bonuses, how do they work, and what else should you know as a brand-new player? Let’s take a closer look.

Australian Online Casino Guide


How do I choose the best Australian online casino? This is the most challenging question among most novices and beginners in online casino gambling.

If you are looking for legal real money online casinos accepting Australian punters, and where you can favorite games safely and securely, you are on the right page. This au-casino.com website guide covers all information you may want about online Australian Online Gambling.