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Amendments provide for Hawaiian Home Lands 5 years to determine casino future

The issue of whether to make an exception to Hawaii’s ban on all forms of gambling by allowing a casino near Kapolei to help clear the backlog of more than 28,000 Hawaiian Home Lands beneficiaries appears to be heading back to the Hawaiian Home Lands Commission, which would have five years to figure out if a casino resort is the best way to get Native Hawaiians into homes and onto their ancestral lands.

Hawaii Legislators Reject Casino Proposal

Plans for a casino in Hawaii are not moving forward after a recent proposal was rejected by lawmakers. On Friday, members of the House Economic Development Committee voted to reject a proposal to bring a casino to Kapolei. The plans was submitted by the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands (DHHL) and would have created a gambling venue to support the state agency in charge of placing Native Hawaiians on homestead property.