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ZITRO Games Think Globally, Act Locally

From Barcelona to Bangalore, Zitro is expanding with confidence. By Peter White

While going to the annual ICE show can be a trek for some, it’s an at-home game for Zitro. The manufacturer and game provider resides in Barcelona, home to one of its two technology campuses. The other, newer one is halfway around the globe in Bangalore.

Zitro President-International, Sebastian Salat, described this confident expansionism to Casino Life Publisher Peter White recently. Salat also previewed Zitro’s newest products and its presentation at ICE London. His conversation with White, which has been edited for clarity, follows.


Image: Zitro Global Team ICE London 2024

We are now in an era where we have gaming industry exhibitions in every continent combining every aspect of the industry, many incorporating conferences and awards. What is Zitro’s approach to deciding which events work best for the company?

First, we make sure to maintain a global presence by attending numerous trade shows worldwide. They are essential for the gaming industry and serve as key meeting points for all industry players. These help us reach diverse markets, expand our brand recognition and understand the different regional dynamics within the industry. It’s important for us to be there, to connect with our clients and showcase our products. Additionally, we organize our own “Zitro Experience” events. Those events give us the chance to spend quality time with our clients in a more intimate setting. It’s a great way to foster stronger relationships and have deeper discussions about what we offer. It ensures our clients get information about our value proposition in a cozy, relaxing atmosphere.

When it comes to awards, we truly appreciate the recognition they bring. These accolades highlight the hard work and dedication of our team, and serve as fantastic networking opportunities. For instance, this year we were thrilled to receive the Fantini Research Award. What makes this award special is that it’s based on feedback from our clients, gathered by EKG. Knowing that our clients value our work fills us with pride and motivates us to keep creating great products for the industry. We've also been honored with several prestigious awards over the years. Our founder, Johnny Ortiz, has been named Businessman of the Year three years by the Spanish magazine Azar Plus. I, myself, have received AGEM’s Jens Halle Memorial Award, which recognizes excellence in commercial gaming professionalism. These awards not only enhance our reputation but also reinforce our commitment to excellence.

How are you preparing for ICE Barcelona with regard to your Central and South American  customers, given the benefits of the language and the extensive number of flights?

We are preparing for ICE Barcelona with a big and spectacular booth designed to showcase the very best of Zitro. Our booth will be a hub of innovation featuring our latest products and solutions. Visitors can expect a dynamic and engaging experience, with hands-on demonstrations allowing them to experience our new product lineup firsthand. Furthermore, the fact that the show is held in Spain is a significant incentive for Latin American operators who, in our opinion, will travel in much greater numbers to Barcelona than they did to London. This increased attendance is facilitated by the linguistic and cultural connections, as well as the extensive number of flights between Latin America and Spain. For our Central and South American customers, this makes travel more convenient and accessible. Moreover, given that Zitro's main technology campus is in Barcelona, we assess very positively the opportunity that ICE Barcelona will represent for Zitro. We expect to have many opportunities to show operators and regulators our facilities, and — through them — the dimensions of Zitro's project.

Are you already preparing designs for your booth?

At ICE Barcelona, our customers can indeed expect to be greeted at the biggest booth Zitro has ever had at any show. With the diverse range of products that Zitro offers for gaming halls and casinos, we must stand out. As we prepare for ICE Barcelona, we are already working on designs for our booth that reflect the scale and scope of our offerings. The Zitro booth will not only showcase our latest products and innovations, it will also embody the spirit of Spanish hospitality. Those who have visited our booth at the Madrid show know first hand the warm and welcoming atmosphere we strive to create. Our booth will feature significant areas dedicated to welcoming our customers and friends. Whether it’s a casual meeting space or a more formal setting for product demonstrations and discussions, we will cater to the needs of our visitors.

It’s been over a decade since my last visit to your Barcelona cffices and a lot has changed, including the building. I noticed you have an open-plan working environment. In what ways does this level of inter-departmental communication (especially in games and technology) assist with innovation in the development process of new games?

In our open-plan office, communication flows freely between departments, particularly among engineers, artists and programmers. This level of inter-departmental communication is crucial in the development process of new games. It allows for the cross-pollination of ideas, where different perspectives and skill sets can come together.

We work as a united team, breaking down barriers – such as walls – and encouraging everyone to contribute their unique expertise to the development process.

Following your launch in India last year, how do you anticipate it will contribute to your business, such as innovation, talent acquisition or market reach in the coming years?

The opening of our new Technology Campus in India is proof of our ongoing commitment to innovation and reflects the significant growth of our Zitro brand. This new campus has also played an important role in Zitro’s efforts to increase its production capacity in software development and further strengthen its investment in R&D. Bangalore, a strategic hub renowned for its skilled professionals, presents a strategic advantage. It allows us to leverage the local talent pool and unlock exciting new possibilities for product development. As a global company, we are committed to hiring talent across geographies and expect that, together with our team based in our Technology Campus in Barcelona, we are well-positioned to drive continuous global product innovation, and to complement Zitro’s continued growth in the years to come.

In addition to your extensive range of Zitro slot games, the company is also well known for its very popular bingo games. Do you have new ones on the market and what regions tend to be your biggest for these games?

Zitro Games offers a comprehensive portfolio, which not only includes a wide range of slot games but also features our immensely popular bingo games. While our focus has expanded to compete globally in the video-slots market, we remain committed to maintaining our leadership position in video bingo. Our strategy has been to innovate within the video bingo sector while simultaneously pursuing growth opportunities in the broader gaming market. This approach has allowed us to introduce exciting new bingo games while continuing to excel in our core area of expertise. For instance, some of our latest video bingo offerings include titles like Extravaganza Da Vinci, Extravaganza Double Bonus, Fratelli Pizza, The Great Wealth and more.

The online casino and bingo market continues to grow. How is Zitro Digital meeting the increasing demand and which games are proving your most popular with online operators?

At Zitro Digital, we are actively responding to the rapid expansion of the online casino and bingo market by implementing targeted strategies designed to meet the surging demand in this ever-evolving landscape. Our primary focus is on accelerating the release of new games, to ensure that our offerings remain engaging for players in the digital realm. This involves replicating our most successful land-based games for the online world. Another key aspect involves a wider distribution of our games across online markets worldwide. Our goal is to make our games accessible to players wherever online gaming is regulated, thereby maximizing our reach and potential audience. To complement our efforts in game development and distribution, we place a strong emphasis on providing marketing, and customer support. This includes offering promotional tools, and resources to support operators in effectively managing and promoting our games. We believe that by working closely with operators, we can collaboratively develop successful commercial strategies that optimize the performance of our games in the online market.

Speedy advances in technology provide more scope for incorporating even more features into games. Given this, do popular games that have been in the market for several years get a makeover when they are redesigned with the latest technology?

It’s similar to what happens with music, where there are musical pieces that become classics. In the gaming world, there are games that we can define as such. These games enjoy an almost indefinite commercial lifespan, although their gameplay mechanics, graphics and sensations can be used in the development of new products, thanks to modern technology. In the realm of music, timeless compositions are reimagined, and reinterpreted by artists, incorporating modern technologies and trends while preserving the essence of the original work. This same principle applies to gaming, where iconic titles can inspire new iterations, and adaptations that leverage advancements in technology and design.

Games are getting more and more interactive with movie-quality animation, and accompanying sound. What is Zitro’s approach to maintaining its technological edge?

At Zitro , maintaining our technological edge is at the core of what we do. We recognize the importance of staying ahead of the curve in this ever-evolving industry. To achieve this, we invest heavily in research and development, constantly exploring new technologies to enhance the gaming experience for our customers.

Our approach is similar to that of the film industry, where cutting-edge technology is used to create immersive and lifelike experiences. We strive to make our games more human-like by leveraging state-ofthe-art graphics, animations and sound design. Each element is meticulously crafted to build the personality of the game and to evoke emotional responses from players. With the growth of online gaming offers, we understand the need to differentiate gaming machines to provide unique experiences that cannot be replicated in the digital realm. This is why we place a strong emphasis on the land-based casino environment, ensuring that players are met with sensations and experiences that online casinos cannot match. To achieve this, we continually push the boundaries of hardware and software development. Our machines feature increasingly large hardware formats, capable of delivering stunning visuals and immersive gameplay.

Moreover, our game developments incorporate a much-more-notable multimedia component than ever before, allowing players to enjoy a truly immersive experience that transcends the limitations of online gaming.

Many of the roles at Zitro are filled with specialists in electronics, IT, math games, software development and art. These roles are difficult to fill, as there is a bigger demand than available people with the required expertise. Do you also look to provide training for employees so the company can fill many of these roles internally as it grows?

At Zitro we recognize the importance of having specialists in various fields. However, we understand that filling these roles can be challenging due to the high demand for individuals with the required expertise. As the company continues to grow, we are committed to addressing this challenge by investing in the development of our employees. One approach we take is to provide training opportunities for our employees. We believe in empowering our team members with the skills and knowledge they need to excel in their roles.

Whether it's through formal training programs or workshops, we are dedicated to helping our team enhance their expertise and capabilities. Moreover, we understand that human interaction plays a crucial role in professional development. Therefore, in addition to formal training, we foster a collaborative and supportive work environment where employees can learn from each other, and share insights and best practices. Social interaction not only helps individuals progress in their respective roles but also strengthens teamwork. By investing in both training and fostering a culture of collaboration, it not only helps us address the current demand for specialized talent but also ensures that we have a strong pipeline of skilled professionals to support our company's growth and innovation initiatives in the future.

What are the up-and-coming shows where readers can visit your booths?

For the remainder of the year we’re eager to showcase our products at several upcoming industry events. We kick off in June with G2E Asia in Macao, followed by our Zitro Experience private event in Perú. In the last quarter of the year Zitro will once again attend the Expo Andalusian Gaming Congress in Spain, as well as the much-anticipated G2E Las Vegas, and then head to the BEGE Expo in Bulgaria. Regarding Zitro Digital, while Zitro booths at all the major international fairs we will feature our digital gaming offerings, this year our digital division will also participate in dedicated online events like SBC Lisbon, SBC Miami and SIGMA Malta.

*** This exclusive feature interview was originally published in May 2024 edition of Casino Life Magazine Issue 167 ***