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Casino Blog

Online Gambling in Arab Countries Thriving Amidst COVID-19 Pandemic

Financial uncertainties post coronavirus pandemic has left the world crumbling on the dead end. It is supposed to leave lingering economic scars that may take quite long to heal.

However, despite the economic fallout and associated stresses in financial and commodity markets, online gambling is booming and the popularity of online casino portals such as Rehanarabi.com is growing. It seems to be the one outlet that shall successfully pass through the worst times in the pandemic with less financial damage.

How Have Online Casinos Fared This Pandemic Globally?

When the COVID-19 pandemic struck, the entire world went into lockdown. The casino hubs and other businesses too had to shut down, and economies around the world went into a tizzy. However, even the entertainment and gambling world was in a fix as to whether people will consume their content now or not. With millions losing their jobs, everyone was looking for ways to survive. At that time, we saw that the online casino sector was still thriving and how! People began checking sites like Betfair, Betfred, and reading their reviews as they prepared to bet.

How Have Online Casinos Fared This Pandemic Globally?

When the COVID-19 pandemic struck, the entire world went into lockdown. The casino hubs and other businesses too had to shut down, and economies around the world went into a tizzy. However, even the entertainment and gambling world was in a fix as to whether people will consume their content now or not. With millions losing their jobs, everyone was looking for ways to survive. At that time, we saw that the online casino sector was still thriving and how! People began checking sites like Betfair, Betfred, and reading their reviews as they prepared to bet.

How the Ban on Credit Cards Affects the Casino Industry in the UK

The British Gambling Commission, the UK’s sole landbased and online casino regulator, is considered one of the toughest, if not the toughest, gambling watchdogs in the world. The UKGC boasts an unprecedented commitment to ensuring a fair and safe gaming environment for gamblers in Great Britain, striving to reduce gambling-related harm to the bare minimum. And it would be fair to say it succeeds, considering the tough regulatory demands it imposes on its licensees.

A Brief Overview of the Credit Card Ban