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Casino Blog

Gambling Business Group and YGAM confirm closer working ties


Cross sector industry body, the Gambling Business Group (GBG), has announced a strategic partnership programme with independent charity the Young Gamblers Education Trust (YGAM). The two organisations will collaborate across a range of topics to provide a human context to social responsibility and improve understanding of harm minimisation and how it can be delivered.

US Supreme Court & the New Jersey Sports Betting Case

     Supreme Court Oral Arguments Analyzed by: Professor I Nelson Rose

  "Laws are like sausages. It's better not to see them being made."

          Otto von Bismarck

On December 4, 2017, the Supreme Court of the United States heard oral arguments in the New Jersey sports betting case. Almost every Justice was actively involved in the questioning, which touched upon everything from obscure statutory interpretation to the importance of states not controlled by the federal government.

SMS to Open Opportunities for Gambling Industry

A new report released by Textlocal, one of the UK’s leading SMS platforms, reveals today that mobile gambling is set to revolutionise the industry as operators increasingly embrace the SMS platform to help drive activity and integration.  The report also highlights how an estimated 4m people already use their smartphone to gamble and that that figure is growing by more than 10% year on year.

Bacta President urges regulators to take more progressive approach to responsible gaming entertainment

Leading the sector into his second year at the association helm, Gabi Stergides, National President of Bacta, talks about challenges past and present, and for the future, it’s knowledge that may well be the defining battleground.

Reflecting on 2017, what do you regard as being the high points of your first year as bacta President?