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Popularity of Grows for The London Casino Gaming Show

A senior European land-based casino operator is looking forward to a London Casino and Gambling Show at ExCeL (Jan 14-16), and explained to us this week why he would favour London over the giant ICE show in Barcelona.

Ian Gosling, a casino professional for 46 years and now COO of two of Europe’s largest venues, explained his misgivings about the ICE move to Barcelona (January 20-22).

“I am not a traditionalist, but London for me is far more preferable and talking to many other land-based casino operators, I find that I am not alone.”

The head of Regency Casinos, with its two big locations in Thessaloniki and Mont Parnes, said: “It is principally a case of relevance; 50 percent of what will be in Barcelona has no relevance to me and my company. And to visit all the booths that I would need to visit, I have to walk long distances to spend a limited amount of time with senior executives who will be constantly looking over their shoulders.

“A smaller, quieter, more boutique show that contains all the elements that I need, is a far better proposition.”

He said that many of his colleagues in other operating companies felt much the same and he had no doubt that they would welcome the alternative of London, “a city they know, they know how to navigate, with all the hotels and restaurants that they know and like; and speaking what for many of them is a second language....Barcelona does not compete.”

Image: Ian Gosling COO Regency Entertainment Operators of Regency Casino Mont Parnes and Regency Casino Thessaloniki,

Ian said that he had no problem with Barcelona, “a fine city, but it doesn’t have the history and the infrastructure that London has – it simply doesn’t tick so many boxes.”

He added: “I can go back to the old ATEI shows at Earls Court where Huxleys was just about the only casino supplier on the floor, and it was a wonderful networking event, at a show the size of which suited us; it was intimate and enjoyable.

“If the Bacta people can recreate that alongside their traditional amusement show (EAG), then I believe it will be a success.”